Story #2 “I want to make more money out of the situation”

It was a old hutong apartment in zhangzizhonglu
And she was nice with me and my husband, sending someone quickly when things used to break (way too often).
She was also patient when we were late with rent
The problem came when we had to leave
We told her that we were leaving two months in advance, because we were leaving China, and I also told her that I would have found another couple to take over our lease, so she wouldn’t have lost any money.

She said that it was ok, but to get my deposit back I would have had to charge the new tenants, not only the two months left in our contract and the deposit, but also the agent fee.
Because she literally told me that she wanted to make more money out of the situation
Basically she told that if I wanted our deposit back I would have had to be her agent and making her earn more money

– ok, but this agent money will not go back to you ?

That’s right. The agent money was for her

We ended up losing half of our deposit because we had to split an agent fee with the new couple that took over our lease

Her exact words were: I want to make more money out of the situation
Not only it’s not fair, it also sounds kind of illegal since there was not agent involved.
I showed the apartment to the new tenants.
And my husband and I ended up losing half of our deposit even if we found someone who took over the lease and We the apartment in perfect condition .
She always seems available to help you and be a good landlord but in the end she only tries to suck money out of you.

homeudream jenny trying to make the most of your money
homeudream jenny trying to make the most of your money

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