Holly changed her name to “Jenny”, courtyard007 renamed Homeudream.com

Some people still contact me on cases that happens with our lovely Holly. I’ve decided to update this blog to give updated accurate informations to help people to avoid her or fall in the same situation as me.

This website really helps people in Beijing who want to use her service 

I’ve received many emails of people reaching me to say thank you. They were about to use her service and decided after reading the blog to not use it. Even if that’s probably not enough to completely stop her, it contributes to make Beijing a better place to live for foreigners(and locals!). Thank you for everyone sending me their stories and who have contributed!

As a consequence, she had to change the name of her Business, and her english name! It feels like nothing, but glad we put a spoke on her wheel !. It’s the least that could happen!

Her new Business Name: HomeUdream

“Holly” decided to change the name of the company to “HomeUdream” . The previous domain name (courtyard007.com) is not accessible anymore. I can understand why: if you type of “courtyard007”  in Google  you’ll find the website you’re currently reading  ranking #1 😉 .  Hopefully that blog will reach the first rank when you type the new business name “homeUdream”. Her new website where the scam happens is now:   https://homeudream.com/

Her new “english name”: Jenny

She also changed her name from Holly to Jenny. I guess too much bad things were associated to that name in the real estate space 🙂

Her wechat id remain the same:  hoholyly. Here her wechat card:

Jenny hoholyly scam


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